Swampass Science

TW: blood & sweat

is he eating a marshmallow? I want a marshmallow… 

Despite my firm “not shopping” stance I have ordered 5 different undergarments to science out the whole Disney Parks Swampass situation when I’m there later this month.

So far I’ve ordered a pair of Knix, a pair of Thinx, a pair of Cooling ThighSociety shorts, a pair of UnderSummers and a pair of Drirelease TomboyX boxers, I’ve also ordered a pair of bandlettes for the non-undershorts times.

Knix and Thinx are technically period panties but I’m operating under ‘liquid is liquid’ an if it absorbs blood it should absorb sweat, right?

“But Erin” you say “you’re only going to have 3 park days!”

Yup, but (and since we are really oversharing right now) I usually change clothes halfway through the day because I’m a SWEATY BITCH and I like to be comfortable.

I will also be in Austin and Lubbock Texas, so I’ll try stuff out there as well.

SO. what else should I be trying? I prefer shorts since I like wearing skirts and dresses at Disney for air-flow but I’m willing to try non-shorts as well.

I feel like I should add a couple more Disney days… 😂

I’m not the only one with crotch temperature on the brain. The Bloggess is also tackling the science… Read it! (The science of crotches)

I love her.



2 thoughts on “Swampass Science

  1. Interested in your opinion on the bandelettes. Have you work them before? I tried them at my brother’s wedding and thought they were falling down but then I got drunk and forgot about them so I guess they were fine?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have used them before and love them! I had to reorder because I seem to be able to find only 1 of them right now… I don’t remember feeling as if they were falling down (I ordered the size smaller than what I measured) but it WAS strange to not have my thighs rubbing while not wearing shorts.


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